Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Mitra 1961 Adda on 10th August, 2007

After the adda on 10th August at Brajesh Bhattacharya's residence at Nepal Bhattacharya lane, I sent an email to all members of the Mitra 1961 group. There were some mail earlier about whether we discussed about the 3rd Cricket Test beteen India and England at Oval that was in progress at the time.


We had a great adda, talking nostalgically about manythings, about Saraswati Pujas in Mitra School,Abhresh's idiosyncracies, Kallol's getting well, etc,as weel as some politics (about our new ladypresident, West Bengal's present state of affairs,anarchy et al), weather, and, of course a little bitabout cricket. The Oval Test, on that day, had lookedvery promising. I am sure quite a few of us, likeParames and Subhendu, kept watching TV and thrilled tosee the most unlikely century by Kumble. However, Iwas really puzzled to find later on Sunday RahulDravid chickening out and not enforcing the follow on.They may call it a collective decision, but it onlyshowed utter lack of courage on the part of theCaptain. Just think, what would have happened if England lost a few quick wickets at the start of thesecond Innings, like what happened to India, on acloudy day. Indian fast bowlers are definetly betterthan English ones for exploiting the conditions socondicive to swing. But Rahul took a decision (whyblame Borde or Bengsarkar?) that I am sure would nothave been taken by Sourav, had he been in charge. Then the Captain batted like he wanted to make it a draw.What an anti-climax! We let Engand off the hook.

Well, we did not dwell on Cricket long during theadda, but none expected the way our captain tookdecisions and performed two days later. We were, onFriday adda, enjoying ourselves the hospitality ofBrajesh and his wife, and kept talking amongstourselves, reminiscing and often cross talking. It wasa 'bishuddha adda'. There was quite a lot to eat andsome to drink too. It was very nice, and I wishothers who could not make it were there too. Pranabclicked a number of photographs; hopefully he willpost in on the website soon.

I understand another adda is being planned inSeptember, at Narayan's residence in Salt Lake. I dont think I can make it there, but I will surely miss it.I must record my appreciation for the efforts taken byPranab, Brajesh, Subir, Ridra and others for makingthe adda so enjoyable. Thank you all.Arjo


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The word 'adda' exists in many Indian languages including Bengali. But the essence of the word is essentially bengali and synonymous with bengali culture. The passion is to promote our collective awareness on equality, prosperity, and justice.



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